
predictor of non-regular secondary structure


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install norsp
apt-get install norsp
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install norsp
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install norsp
apt-get install norsp


predictor of non-regular secondary structure

NORSp is a publicly available predictor for disordered regions in proteins. Specifically, it predicts long regions with no regular secondary structure. Upon submission of a protein sequence, NORSp analyses the protein about its secondary structure, the presence of transmembrane helices and coiled-coils. It then returns the presence and position of disordered regions. NORSp can be useful for biologists in several ways. For example, crystallographers can check whether their proteins contain NORS regions and make the decision about whether to proceed with the experiments since NORS proteins may be difficult to crystallise, as demonstrated by the their low occurrence in PDB. Biologists interested in protein structure-function relationship may also find it interesting to verify whether the protein-protein interaction sites coincide with NORS regions.