
RTP fuzzer


All systems
curl cmd.cat/ohrwurm.sh
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install ohrwurm


RTP fuzzer

ohrwurm is a small and simple RTP fuzzer that has been successfully tested on a small number of SIP phones. Features: - reads SIP messages to get information of the RTP port numbers - reading SIP can be omitted by providing the RTP port numbers, sothat any RTP traffic can be fuzzed - RTCP traffic can be suppressed to avoid that codecs - learn about the "noisy line" - special care is taken to break RTP handling itself - the RTP payload is fuzzed with a constant BER - the BER is configurable - requires arpspoof from dsniff to do the MITM attack - requires both phones to be in a switched LAN (GW operation only works partially)