- All systems
curl cmd.cat/oldfind.sh
- Debian
apt-get install findutils
- Ubuntu
apt-get install findutils
apk add findutils
- Arch Linux
pacman -S findutils
- Kali Linux
apt-get install findutils
- Fedora
dnf install findutils
- Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install findutils
- OS X
brew install findutils
- Raspbian
apt-get install findutils
- Dockerfile
- dockerfile.run/oldfind
- Docker
docker run cmd.cat/oldfind oldfind
powered by Commando
The findutils package contains programs which will help you locate
files on your system. The find utility searches through a hierarchy of directories looking for files which match a certain set of criteria (such as a file name pattern). The xargs utility builds and executes command lines from standard input arguments (usually lists of file names generated by the find command). You should install findutils because it includes tools that are very useful for finding things on your system.