
Qt based user interface for OpenWalnut


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install openwalnut-qt4
apt-get install openwalnut-qt4


Qt based user interface for OpenWalnut

OpenWalnut is a tool for multi-modal medical and brain data visualization. Its universality allows it to be easily extended and used in a large variety of application cases. It is both, a tool for the scientific user and a powerful framework for the visualization researcher. Besides others, it is able to load NIfTI data, VTK line data and RIFF-format CNT/AVR-files. OpenWalnut provides many standard visualization tools like line integral convolution (LIC), isosurface-extraction, glyph-rendering or interactive fiber-data exploration. The powerful framework of OpenWalnut allows researchers and power-users to easily extend the functionality to their specific needs. This package contains the QT4 GUI for OpenWalnut.