
very fast and configurable SIP server


All systems
curl cmd.cat/osipsconsole.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install opensips-console
apt-get install opensips-console
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S opensips
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install opensips-console
dnf install opensips
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install opensips-console
apt-get install opensips-console


very fast and configurable SIP server

OpenSIPS is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261) server. Written entirely in C, OpenSIPS can handle thousands calls per second even on low-budget hardware. C Shell-like scripting language provides full control over the server's behaviour. Its modular architecture allows only required functionality to be loaded. Among others, the following modules are available: Digest Authentication, CPL scripts, Instant Messaging, MySQL support, Presence Agent, Radius Authentication, Record Routing, SMS Gateway, Jabber/XMPP Gateway, Transaction Module, Registrar and User Location, Load Balaning/Dispatching/LCR, XMLRPC Interface. This package contains the main OpenSIPS binary along with the principal modules and support binaries including opensipsmc configuration tool.


Generic tool for OpenSIPS provisioning

OpenSIPS is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261) server. Written entirely in C, OpenSIPS can handle thousands calls per second even on low-budget hardware. This package provides an OpenSIPS Console written in Perl for OpenSIPS provisioning.