
Extract coastline data from OpenStreetMap planet file


All systems
curl cmd.cat/osmcoastline.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install osmcoastline
apt-get install osmcoastline
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install osmcoastline
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install osmcoastline
apt-get install osmcoastline


Extract coastline data from OpenStreetMap planet file

OSMCoastline extracts the coastline from an OSM planet file and assembles all the pieces into polygons for use in map renderers etc. OSMCoastline relies on the Osmium library for its OpenStreetMap data handling. The Osmium library has extensive support for all types of OSM entities: nodes, ways, relations, and changesets. It allows reading from and writing to OSM files in XML and PBF formats, including change files and full history files. Osmium can store OSM data in memory and on disk in various formats and using various indexes. Its easy to use handler interface allows you to quickly write data filtering and conversion functions. Osmium can create WKT, WKB, OGR, GEOS and GeoJSON geometries for easy conversion into many GIS formats and it can assemble multipolygons from ways and relations. This package contains the OSMCoastline utilities.