
Client tools for Raspberry Pi GPIO control


All systems
curl cmd.cat/pigs.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install pigpio-tools
apt-get install pigpio-tools
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install pigpio-tools
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pigpio-tools
apt-get install pigpio


Client tools for Raspberry Pi GPIO control

Pigpio is a set of software which allows control of the General Purpose Input Outputs (GPIO) locally or remotely. Currently only the client side is Packaged in Debian as the server side is incompatible with Debian kernels. This package provides the pigs and pig2vcd tools.


Library for Raspberry Pi GPIO control

Library for the Raspberry which allows control of the General Purpose Input Outputs (GPIO). pigpio is written in C but may be used by other languages. In particular the pigpio daemon offers a socket and pipe interface to the underlying library.