
predictor of flexible/rigid protein residues from sequence


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Debian Debian
apt-get install profbval
apt-get install profbval
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install profbval
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install profbval
apt-get install profbval


predictor of flexible/rigid protein residues from sequence

PROFbval can be useful for both protein structure and function predictions. For instance, a biologist can locate potentially antigenic determinants by identifying the most flexible residues on the protein surface. Additionally, a crystallographer can locate residues that potentially have high experimental B-values. PROFbval takes the following input, further described on profbval(1): * a protein sequence in a FASTA file * secondary structure and solvent accessibility prediction by prof(1) * an HSSP file Background: the mobility of a given residue on the protein surface is related to its functional role. Therefore, identification of extremely rigid or flexible residues on the protein surface is helpful for identifying functionally important residues in proteins. A common measure of atom mobility in proteins is B-value data from x-ray crystallography structures. PROFbval is the first tool to predict normalized backbone B-values from amino-acid sequence.