
neural network architecture for snapfun


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install profnet-snapfun
apt-get install profnet-snapfun
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install profnet-snapfun
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install profnet-snapfun
apt-get install profnet-snapfun


neural network architecture for snapfun

Profnet is a component of the prediction methods that make up the Predict Protein service by the lab of Burkhard Rost. It provides the neural network component to a variety of predictors that perform protein feature prediction directly from sequence. This neural network implementation has to be compiled for every different network architecture. This package contains the neural network architecture for snapfun.


debug files for profnet packages

Profnet is a component of the prediction methods that make up the Predict Protein service by the lab of Burkhard Rost. It provides the neural network component to a variety of predictors that perform protein feature prediction directly from sequence. This neural network implementation has to be compiled for every different network architecture. This package contains the stripped debugging symbols for profnet binaries.