
BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install pybtex
apt-get install pybtex
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S python-pybtex
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install pybtex
dnf install python3-pybtex
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install pybtex
apt-get install pybtex


BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor

Pybtex reads citation information from a file and produces a formatted bibliography. BibTeX style files are supported. Alternatively it is possible to write styles in Python. Pybtex currently understands the following bibliography formats: * BibTeX * BibTeXML * YAML-based format The resulting bibliography may be output in one of the following formats: * LaTeX * HTML * plain text This package provides the command-line interface.


public modules for pybtex (Python 3)

Pybtex reads citation information from a file and produces a formatted bibliography. BibTeX style files are supported. Alternatively it is possible to write styles in Python. Pybtex currently understands the following bibliography formats: * BibTeX * BibTeXML * YAML-based format The resulting bibliography may be output in one of the following formats: * LaTeX * HTML * plain text This package provides the modules for Python 3.


public modules for pybtex (Python 2)

Pybtex reads citation information from a file and produces a formatted bibliography. BibTeX style files are supported. Alternatively it is possible to write styles in Python. Pybtex currently understands the following bibliography formats: * BibTeX * BibTeXML * YAML-based format The resulting bibliography may be output in one of the following formats: * LaTeX * HTML * plain text This package provides the modules for Python 2.