
Yet Another Query Language - Python 2.x


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install python-yaql
apt-get install python-yaql
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install python-yaql
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-yaql
apt-get install python-yaql


Yet Another Query Language - Python 2.x

At the beginning of millennium the growing trend towards data formats standardization and application integrability made XML extremely popular. XML became lingua franca of the data. Applications tended to process lots of XML files ranging from small config files to very large datasets. As these data often had a complex structure with many levels of nestedness it is quickly became obvious that there is a need for specially crafted domain specific languages to query these data sets. This is how XPath and later XQL were born. With later popularization of REST services and Web 2.0 JSON started to take XML??s place. JSON??s main advantage (besides being simpler than XML) is that is closely reassembles data structures found in most programming languages (arrays, dictionaries, scalars) making it very convenient for data serialization. As JSON lacked all the brilliant XML-related technologies like XSLT, XML Schema, XPath etc. various attempts to develop similar languages for JSON were made. One of those efforts was JSONPath library developed in 2007 by Stefan G?ssner. Initial implementation was for PHP and JavaScript languages, but later on ports to other languages including Python were written. YAQL is one of the implementations in Python. This package contains the Python 2.x module.