
Execute SQL-like queries on .csv and .tsv files. More information: <https://harelba.github.io/q>.


All systems
curl cmd.cat/q.sh
dnf install q
brew install q

Execute SQL-like queries on .csv and .tsv files. More information: <https://harelba.github.io/q>.

  • Query `.csv` file by specifying the delimiter as ',':
    q -d',' "SELECT * from path/to/file"
  • Query `.tsv` file:
    q -t "SELECT * from path/to/file"
  • Query file with header row:
    q -ddelimiter -H "SELECT * from path/to/file"
  • Read data from `stdin`; '-' in the query represents the data from `stdin`:
    output | q "select * from -"
  • Join two files (aliased as `f1` and `f2` in the example) on column `c1`, a common column:
    q "SELECT * FROM path/to/file f1 JOIN path/to/other_file f2 ON (f1.c1 = f2.c1)"
  • Format output using an output delimiter with an output header line (note: command will output column names based on the input file header or the column aliases overridden in the query):
    q -Ddelimiter -O "SELECT column as alias from path/to/file"

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