
Torque compatibility wrappers for SLURM


All systems
curl cmd.cat/qrls.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install slurm-llnl-torque
apt-get install slurm-llnl-torque
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install slurm-wlm-torque
dnf install gridengine
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install slurm-llnl-torque
apt-get install torque-client-x11


Torque compatibility wrappers for SLURM

SLURM, the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management, is an open-source cluster resource management and job scheduling. This package contains the Torque compatibility wrappers.


Utilities for Grid Engine queue management

Grid Engine is software that facilitates "distributed resource management" (DRM). Far more than just simple load-balancing tools or batch scheduling mechanisms, DRM software typically provides the following key features across large sets of distributed resources: * Policy based allocation of distributed resources (CPU time, software licenses, etc.) * Batch queuing & scheduling * Support diverse server hardware, OS and architectures * Load balancing & remote job execution * Detailed job accounting statistics * Fine-grained user specifiable resources * Suspend/resume/migrate jobs * Tools for reporting Job/Host/Cluster status * Job Arrays * Integration & control of parallel jobs This package contains the Grid Engine user utilities.


Torque/PBS to Slurm


command line interface to Torque server

The TORQUE server dispatches jobs across physically separated machines. It may also be beneficial for single machines to organise the sequential execution of multiple jobs. This package contains the command-line client programs. These should be installed on all hosts that should be able to submit jobs, query for their status or cancel their execution. The client contacts the server directly.


GUI for torque clients

The TORQUE server dispatches jobs across physically separated machines. It may also be beneficial for single machines to organise the sequential execution of multiple jobs. These clients feature the same functionality as their regular counterparts and also allow for a graphical interaction.


Torque compatibility wrappers for SLURM


Management software