IPsec Internet Key Exchange daemon
- All systems
curl cmd.cat/racoonctl.sh
- Debian
apt-get install racoon
- Ubuntu
apt-get install racoon
apk add ipsec-tools
- Arch Linux
pacman -S ipsec-tools
- Kali Linux
apt-get install racoon
- Fedora
dnf install ipsec-tools
- Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install racoon
- Raspbian
apt-get install racoon
- Dockerfile
- dockerfile.run/racoonctl
- Docker
docker run cmd.cat/racoonctl racoonctl
powered by Commando
IPsec Internet Key Exchange daemon
IPsec (Internet Protocol security) offers end-to-end security for network traffic at the IP layer. This package is a Linux port of the IKE server from the KAME IPsec implementation on BSD.
IPsec utilities
IPsec (Internet Protocol security) offers end-to-end security for network traffic at the IP layer. This package is a Linux port of the utilities from the KAME IPsec implementation on BSD.