
Retrieve host and session information from remote broker servers


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install remote-logon-config-agent
apt-get install remote-logon-config-agent
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install remote-logon-config-agent
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install remote-logon-config-agent


Retrieve host and session information from remote broker servers

This tiny Python tool is part of the Arctica Greeter display manager. The remote-logon-config-agent fetches JSON based remote server information from a brokerage host (formerly known as UCCS, a service run by Canonical Ltd. around 2012-2014). This tool gets used by the DBus service 'remote-logon-service'. The retrieved information is then handed over by the DBus service to Arctica Greeter. The retrieved information can be obtained from a remote desktop brokerage service like Arctica Server (with brokerage support) or from the X2Go Session Broker. In Arctica Greeter, the logon information is presented to the user for starting up remote desktop sessions on Arctica, X2Go or RDP / Citrix servers.