
for Ruby


All systems
curl cmd.cat/rmsginit.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install ruby-gettext
apt-get install ruby-gettext
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S sonic-pi
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install ruby-gettext
dnf install rubygem-gettext
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ruby-gettext
apt-get install ruby-gettext


for Ruby


gettext for Ruby

This Ruby package is a localization library and toolset modeled after GNU gettext, and with a similar simple API. It provides: * rxgettext - creates gettext-compatible PO files from Ruby scripts; * rmsginit - create a new PO file with user's environment and input; * rmsgfmt - creates a MO file from a PO file; * rmsgmerge - extracts translatable strings from Ruby scripts.


git powered software platform to collaborate on code (non-omnibus)

gitlab provides web based interface to host source code and track issues. It allows anyone for fork a repository and send merge requests. Code review is possible using merge request workflow. Using groups and roles project access can be controlled. Unlike the official package from GitLab Inc., this package does not use omnibus.


Live Coding for Everyone

A free live coding synth for everyone. Originally designed to support computing and music lessons within schools. Use code to compose and perform in classical and contemporary styles ranging from Canons to Dubstep.