
Virtual package for roxterm-gtk3


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install roxterm-gtk3
apt-get install roxterm
dnf install roxterm
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install roxterm
apt-get install roxterm


Virtual package for roxterm-gtk3

ROXTerm is a terminal emulator based on the VTE library. It was originally intended to be a lightweight alternative to gnome-terminal, but its role has shifted to providing a richer range of features for power users. This is a virtual package to ease upgrade to roxterm-gtk3. Install roxterm-gtk2 instead if you want to stick with GTK+2.


Multi-tabbed GTK+/VTE terminal emulator - GTK2 version

ROXTerm is a terminal emulator based on the VTE library. It was originally intended to be a lightweight alternative to gnome-terminal, but its role has shifted to providing a richer range of features for power users. This package provides the GTK+2 version of the binaries. The roxterm-gtk3 package provides a GTK+3 version.


Multi-tabbed GTK+/VTE terminal emulator - GTK3 version

ROXTerm is a terminal emulator based on the VTE library. It was originally intended to be a lightweight alternative to gnome-terminal, but its role has shifted to providing a richer range of features for power users. This package provides the GTK+3 version of the binaries. The roxterm-gtk2 package provides a GTK+2 version.


Debugging symbols for GTK2 version of roxterm

ROXTerm is a terminal emulator based on the VTE library. It was originally intended to be a lightweight alternative to gnome-terminal, but its role has shifted to providing a richer range of features for power users. This package provides debugging symbols for the GTK+2 version of roxterm.


Transitional package to upgrade roxterm-gtk3-dbg to roxterm-dbg

This is a dummy package to facilitate automatic upgrades from roxterm-gtk3-dbg 2.x to roxterm-dbg 3.x, due to a change in the packaging structure. It may be removed once the roxterm-dbg 3.x package is installed, but consider also explicitly installing roxterm-dbg to prevent its accidental removal by autoremove.