
Perl module to visually debug regexes in-place


All systems
curl cmd.cat/rxrx.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install libregexp-debugger-perl
apt-get install libregexp-debugger-perl
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install libregexp-debugger-perl
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libregexp-debugger-perl
apt-get install libregexp-debugger-perl


Perl module to visually debug regexes in-place

Regexp::Debugger is a module that helps tame unruly regexes by providing live interactive run-time visualizations of any regex in a Perl code. The debugger allows one to track capture variables, follow recursive subpattern matches, set break-points within a regex match, and even step backwards through the matching process to work out exactly where things started going so horribly wrong. When you load this module, any regex in the same lexical scope will be visually (and interactively) debugged as it matches. In addition to the Perl module, the package also contains the module's commandline frontend rxrx.