
VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System


All systems
curl cmd.cat/rxvt-2.7.10.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install rxvt-beta
apt-get install rxvt
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install rxvt
dnf install rxvt
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install rxvt
apt-get install rxvt-beta


VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System

Rxvt is an 8-bit clean, color xterm replacement that uses significantly less memory than a conventional xterm, mostly since it doesn't support toolkit configurability or Tek graphics, but also since features can be removed at compile-time to reflect your needs. The distribution also includes rclock, the smaller/better xclock replacement with appointment scheduling and xbiff functionality.


VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System

Rxvt is an 8-bit clean, color xterm replacement that uses significantly less memory than a conventional xterm, mostly since it doesn't support toolkit configurability or Tek graphics, but also since features can be removed at compile-time to reflect your needs. The distribution also includes rclock, the smaller/better xclock replacement with appointment scheduling and xbiff functionality. This package contains the developer (beta) version of rxvt. See the rxvt package for the current stable version of rxvt.