
handles qmail forwarding according to a cdb database


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install fastforward
apt-get install fastforward
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install fastforward
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install fastforward
apt-get install fastforward


handles qmail forwarding according to a cdb database

It can create forwarding databases from a sendmail-style /etc/aliases or from user-oriented virtual-domain tables. fastforward supports external mailing lists, stored in a binary format for fast access. It has a tool to convert sendmail-style include files into binary lists. fastforward is more reliable than sendmail. sendmail can't deal with long aliases, or deeply nested aliases, or deeply nested include files; fastforward has no limits other than memory. sendmail can produce corrupted alias files if the system crashes; fastforward is crashproof. fastforward's database-building tools are much faster than sendmail's newaliases. Even better, fastforward deliveries don't pause while the database is being rebuilt. fastforward does not support insecure sendmail-style program deliveries from include files; you can use qmail's secure built-in mechanisms instead. fastforward does support program deliveries from /etc/aliases.