Securely overwrite the free space and inodes of the partition where the specified directory resides. More information: <https://manned.org/sfill>.
- All systems
curl cmd.cat/sfill.sh
- Debian
apt-get install secure-delete
- Ubuntu
apt-get install secure-delete
apk add secure-delete
- Kali Linux
apt-get install secure-delete
- Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install secure-delete
- Raspbian
apt-get install secure-delete
- Dockerfile
- dockerfile.run/sfill
- Docker
docker run cmd.cat/sfill sfill
powered by Commando
Securely overwrite the free space and inodes of the partition where the specified directory resides. More information: <https://manned.org/sfill>.
Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 38 writes (slow but secure):
sfill /path/to/mounted_disk_directory
Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 6 writes (fast but less secure) and show status:
sfill -l -v /path/to/mounted_disk_directory
Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 1 write (very fast but insecure) and show status:
sfill -ll -v /path/to/mounted_disk_directory
Overwrite only free space of a disk:
sfill -I /path/to/mounted_disk_directory
Overwrite only free inodes of a disk:
sfill -i /path/to/mounted_disk_directory
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