
Simplified Chinese Input Method from SUN (utilities)


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install sunpinyin-utils
apt-get install sunpinyin-utils
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S sunpinyin
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install sunpinyin-utils
dnf install sunpinyin-data
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sunpinyin-utils
apt-get install sunpinyin-utils


Simplified Chinese Input Method from SUN (utilities)

Sunpinyin is a statistical language model (SLM) based input method engine for Simplified Chinese, it features full sentence input. This package contains some utilities used by open-gram project, including: * genpyt - generate the pinyin lexicon * tslmpack - convert the ARPA format of SunPinyin back-off language model to its binary representation * tslmendian - change the byte-order of sunpinyin's threaded back-off language model and some Python programs which maybe used to import user dictionary from other input method such as sougou, google, fcitx etc.


Statistical language model data from open-gram

Sunpinyin is a statistical language model (SLM) based input method engine for Simplified Chinese, it features full sentence input. This package contains the Statistical language model data from open-gram project.


Sunpinyin is an input method engine for Simplified Chinese. It is

an SLM based IM engine, and features full sentence input. SunPinyin has been ported to various input method platforms and operating systems. The 2.0 release currently supports iBus, XIM, and Mac OS X.