
interrogation of the methylation status of nucleotide sequencing reads


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Debian Debian
apt-get install smalr
apt-get install smalr
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install smalr
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install smalr


interrogation of the methylation status of nucleotide sequencing reads

The SMALR package conducts single-molecule level interrogation of the methylation status of single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing reads. There are two protocols available for use within the pipeline, SMsn and SMp. * SMsn: Single-molecule, single nucleotide analysis Each motif site on each sequencing molecule is assessed for methylation status. This is designed for use with short (~250bp) sequencing library preps, where the long read lengths of SMRT reads enables multiple passes over each motif site. The reliability of the SMsn scores increases with more passes (i.e. higher single-molecule coverage). * SMp: Single-molecule, motif-pooled analysis All motif sites on a sequencing molecule are pooled together and the molecule-wide methylation status for the given motif is assessed. This is designed for use with long (10Kb+) sequencing library preps, where each single long subread can span many distinct motif sites. The reliability of the SMp scores increases with increasing number of distinct motif sites contained in the subread.