
audio sample comparison testing tool


All systems
curl cmd.cat/squishyball.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install squishyball
apt-get install squishyball
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install squishyball
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install squishyball
apt-get install squishyball


audio sample comparison testing tool

squishyball is a simple command-line utility for performing double-blind A/B, A/B/X or X/X/Y (A/B/X with additional sample order randomisation) testing of audio samples on the command line. The user specifies two input files to be compared and uses the keyboard during playback to flip between the randomized samples to perform on-the-fly comparisons. After a predetermined number of trials, squishyball prints the trial results to stdout and exits. squishyball can be used to help establish what lossy audio codec settings are optimal for a particular combination of user and audio equipment.