
monitor your system and warn when system files change


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install systraq
apt-get install systraq
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install systraq
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install systraq
apt-get install systraq


monitor your system and warn when system files change

Systraq weekly sends you an email listing the state of your system. Furthermore, if critical files have changed, you'll get an email within a shorter notice. Systraq consists of few very small shell scripts. It can help you implementing a not too strict security policy. For more demanding systems, you'd better use something like tripwire or tiger. Make sure you really want to do the monitoring this script offers: it might not comply with your site's privacy policy. Getting informed when users' config file change might be too intrusive. Other similar tools are available in Debian (`diffmon' for instance), but systraq is less intrusive because it can warn for file changes without mailing a complete diff (which is not desirable for e.g. /etc/shadow).