
tiling, keyboard driven Common Lisp window manager


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install stumpwm
apt-get install stumpwm
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install stumpwm
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install stumpwm
apt-get install stumpwm


tiling, keyboard driven Common Lisp window manager

StumpWM is a window manager written entirely in Common Lisp. It attempts to be highly customizable while relying entirely on the keyboard for input. You will not find buttons, icons, title bars, tool bars, or any of the other conventional GUI widgets. These design decisions reflect the growing popularity of productive, customizable lisp based systems. Please ensure that you install compatible implementations of CL and CLX. That means either install sbcl and cl-clx-sbcl or cmucl and cmucl-source or clisp-module-clx only. The suggested package, slime, lets you control a running StumpWM session through Emacs. If you need Xinerama support, you need the xdpyinfo utility from the x11-utils package. The rlwrap package provides command completion for stumpish.