
REPL Wrapper Package for Torch Framework


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install torch-trepl
apt-get install torch-trepl
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install torch-trepl
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install torch-trepl


REPL Wrapper Package for Torch Framework

A pure Lua REPL (Read,Eval,Print-Loop) for LuaJIT, with heavy support for Torch types. It uses Readline for tab completion. This package also installs command line frontend `th`, which comes packed with all these features: * Tab-completion on nested namespaces * Tab-completion on disk files (when opening a string) * History * Pretty print (table introspection and coloring) * Auto-print after eval (can be stopped with ;) * Each command is profiled, timing is reported * No need for '=' to print * Easy help with: `? funcname` * Self help: `?` * Shell commands with: $ cmd (example: `$ ls`) * Print all user globals with `who()` * Import a package's symbols globally with `import(package)` * Require is overloaded to provide relative search paths: `require('./mylocallib/')` * [Optional] strict global namespace monitoring * [Optional] async repl