
Python API for Twitter included a twitter command-line tool


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Python API for Twitter included a twitter command-line tool

The twitter command-line tool is for getting your friends' tweets and setting your own tweet from the safety and security of your favorite shell and an IRC bot that can announce Twitter updates to an IRC channel: view your tweets, recent replies, and tweets in lists, view the public timeline, follow and unfollow (leave) friends, various output formats for tweet information. The IRC bot is associated with a twitter account. The bot announces all tweets from friends it is following. It can be made to follow or leave friends through IRC /msg commands. twitter-log is a simple command-line tool that dumps all public tweets from a given user in a simple text format. It is useful to get a complete offsite backup of all your tweets. Run twitter-log and read the instructions. twitter-archiver will log all the tweets posted by any user since they started posting. twitter-follow will print a list of all of all the followers of a user (or all the users that user follows).