
Universal Input Method - GTK+2.x Japanese dictionary tool


All systems
curl cmd.cat/uim-dict-gtk.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install uim-dict-gtk
apt-get install uim-dict-gtk
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install uim-dict-gtk
apt-get install uim-dict-gtk


Universal Input Method - GTK+2.x Japanese dictionary tool

Uim is an input method module library which supports various scripts and can act as a front end for a range of input methods, including Anthy, Canna, PRIME, or SKK (for Japanese), Pinyin (for Chinese), Byeoru (for Korean), and M17n (for many other languages). Most of its functions are implemented in Scheme, so it's very simple and flexible. This package contains a GTK+2.x Japanese dictionary tool of uim.