
gruesomely over-featured inetd replacement


All systems
curl cmd.cat/update-inetd.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install update-inetd
apt-get install update-inetd
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install update-inetd
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install update-inetd
apt-get install update-inetd


gruesomely over-featured inetd replacement

rlinetd is designed to replace the BSD inetd. Feature-wise, it is a proper superset of the BSD inetd, including rpc support and both udp and tcp services. In addition, it supports a number of resource limiting features, including full resource limits a la setrlimit(2), renicing, chroot and limited per-service instances. To round out the features stolen from xinetd, it also supports binding to individual interfaces on request, and configurable logging.


inetd configuration file updater

This package provides a program used by other packages to automatically update /etc/inetd.conf, the configuration file shared by all implementations of the Internet super-server. Note that xinetd is not supported by this package.