
Free and open source disk encryption software. More information: <>.


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Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S veracrypt

Free and open source disk encryption software. More information: <>.

  • Create a new volume through a text user interface and use `/dev/urandom` as a source of random data:
    veracrypt --text --create --random-source=/dev/urandom
  • Decrypt a volume interactively through a text user interface and mount it to a directory:
    veracrypt --text path/to/volume path/to/mount_point
  • Decrypt a partition using a keyfile and mount it to a directory:
    veracrypt --keyfiles=path/to/keyfile /dev/sdXN path/to/mount_point
  • Dismount a volume on the directory it is mounted to:
    veracrypt --dismount path/to/mounted_point

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