
Braille XML translation utilities


All systems
curl cmd.cat/xml2brl.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install liblouisxml-bin
apt-get install liblouisxml-bin
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install liblouisxml-bin
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install liblouisxml-bin
apt-get install liblouisxml-bin


Braille XML translation utilities

Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. This package contains xml2brl which translates an xml or text file into an embosser-ready braille file, and msword2brl which translates an ms-word file into an embosser-ready braille file. In combination with ooo2dbk, it can also translate OpenOffice.org 1 documents.