
minimalist web browser


All systems
curl cmd.cat/xombrero.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install xombrero
apt-get install xombrero
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install xombrero
apt-get install xombrero


minimalist web browser

xombrero is a minimalist web browser with sophisticated security features designed-in, rather than through an add-on after-the-fact. In particular, it provides both persistent and per-session controls for scripts and cookies, making it easy to thwart tracking and scripting attacks. In addition to providing a familiar mouse-based interface like other web browsers, it offers a set of vi-like keyboard commands for users who prefer to keep their hands on their keyboard. The default settings provide a secure environment. With simple keyboard commands, the user can whitelist specific sites, allowing cookies and scripts from those sites. xombrero is light and has a very good performance when running over network connections, as SSH forwarded tunnels. The major features are: - Tabbed browsing; - Written entirely in C; - Based on Webkit and GTK3, with GTK2 compatibility; - Built with security in mind; - Minimal on-screen layout; - Cookie, javascript and plugin toggles and whitelists; - Browsing session data auto-saves in case of crash; - Simple integration with Tor and other web proxies; - vi-like default keybindings; - Mouse-less browsing; - Basic MIME support; - Seamless upgrade process; - DNS and link prefetch disabled by default; - Colorful address bar indicates HTTPS certificate status; - Control over user_agent presented to sites; - Download manager; - Text-based config file; - Bookmarks, i.e. favorites; - Printing, including to PDF.