
Create a hexadecimal representation (hexdump) from a binary file, or vice-versa. More information: <https://manned.org/xxd>.


All systems
curl cmd.cat/xxd.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install xxd
apt-get install xxd
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S xxd
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install xxd
yum install xxd
dnf install vim-common-2
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install xxd
apt-get install xxd

Create a hexadecimal representation (hexdump) from a binary file, or vice-versa. More information: <https://manned.org/xxd>.

  • Generate a hexdump from a binary file and display the output:
    xxd input_file
  • Generate a hexdump from a binary file and save it as a text file:
    xxd input_file output_file
  • Display a more compact output, replacing consecutive zeros (if any) with a star:
    xxd -a input_file
  • Display the output with 10 columns of one octet (byte) each:
    xxd -c 10 input_file
  • Display output only up to a length of 32 bytes:
    xxd -l 32 input_file
  • Display the output in plain mode, without any gaps between the columns:
    xxd -p input_file
  • Revert a plaintext hexdump back into binary, and save it as a binary file:
    xxd -r -p input_file output_file

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