
plugins for the Xymon network monitor


All systems
curl cmd.cat/xynagios.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install hobbit-plugins
apt-get install hobbit-plugins
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install hobbit-plugins
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hobbit-plugins
apt-get install hobbit-plugins


plugins for the Xymon network monitor

This package provides plugins for the Xymon network monitor. (Formerly called Hobbit.) Included client plugins: * apt - check for outstanding updates (uses aptitude and dctrl-tools if installed) * backuppc - check for errors reported by BackupPC servers (needs backuppc and sudo) * cciss - check hardware RAIDs in HP ProLiant servers (needs cciss-vol-status and sudo) * cntrk - check the size of the Netfilter Connection Tracking table. (needs libfile-slurp-perl) * dirtyetc - check for conffiles which are modified compared to Debian's defaults but should not be (needs sudo and debsums, supports dphys-config) * dirtyvcs - check for dirty VCS working copies (supports Git, Mercurial, Bzr and Subversion, needs appropriate VCS packages and libfile-which-perl installed) * dnsq - checks for working DNS on clients (needs libnet-dns-perl and libfile-slurp-perl) * entropy - check kernel entropy pool size * ipmi - read IPMI sensors and event log (needs ipmitool) * libs - check for running processes with upgraded libraries (needs binutils, lsof, sudo, libyaml-tiny-perl, libfile-slurp-perl and libsort-naturally-perl) * mailman - checks the existence of Mailman shunt files and aged queue files. (needs sudo) * mdstat - check for failed or resyncing RAID devices * mq - check (postfix's) mail queue (needs libtimedate-perl) * misc - meta plugin for running series of scripts (needs libipc-run-perl) * net - check network interface states (needs libfile-which-perl, libfile-slurp-perl, libipc-run-perl, libyaml-tiny-perl, either iproute2 or net-tools and optionally ethtool). * ntpq - check the ntpd daemon synchronization status (needs ntp) * postgres - statistics graphs for PostgreSQL databases (needs libdbd-pg-perl) * sftbnc - check if the local Postfix MTA has soft_bounce enabled. * temp - simple temperature monitor (needs libfile-which-perl and libyaml-tiny-perl; depending on the hardware to monitor it optionally also needs hddtemp, smartmontools, libxml-twig-perl, nvidia-smi (non-free), sudo) Included server plugins: * aptdiff - monitor list of installed packages in host pools * conn6 - check IPv6 connectivity (needs fping) * ircbot - relay status changes to IRC (needs libpoe-component-irc-perl) * pgbouncer - monitor pool usage and traffic * tftp - checks TFTP servers by downloading a file from them (needs libnet-tftp-perl) Helper software: * Hobbit.pm: Perl module for writing plugins * xynagios: adaptor for running Nagios plugins with Xymon (needs libipc-run-perl)