
Automatic snapshot creation and removal for ZFS


All systems
curl cmd.cat/zfSnap.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install zfsnap
apt-get install zfsnap
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install zfsnap
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install zfsnap
apt-get install zfsnap


Automatic snapshot creation and removal for ZFS

zfSnap is a simple sh script to make rolling zfs snapshots with cron. The main advantage of zfSnap is it's written in 100% pure /bin/sh so it doesn't require any additional software to run. zfSnap keeps all information about snapshot in snapshot name. zfs snapshot names are in the format of Timestamp--TimeToLive. Timestamp includes the date and time when the snapshot was created and TimeToLive (TTL) is the amount of time for the snapshot to stay alive before it's ready for deletion.