
advanced Gtk+ text editor for web and software development


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install bluefish
apt-get install bluefish
apk add bluefish
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S bluefish
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install bluefish
dnf install bluefish
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install bluefish
apt-get install bluefish
docker run bluefish powered by Commando


advanced Gtk+ text editor for web and software development

Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites, scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features, e.g. - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking - Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel but is still lightweight and fast. For validation of CSS/HTML/XML documents you need csstidy, tidy, weblint and/or xmllint. For preview to work, you need a web browser that can view local files given to it on the command line. For PHP or Python bluefish supports php-codesniffer and pylint. Tools not suggested but supported are make, perl, php5-cli and java-compiler.


advanced Gtk+ text editor (debugging symbols)

Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites, scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features, e.g. - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking - Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel but is still lightweight and fast. This package contains the debugging symbols. It is recommended to if you suffer a crash. Then use the gdb program to create a useful backtrace.