
utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring


All systems
curl cmd.cat/factor.pl.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install libmath-prime-util-perl
apt-get install libmath-prime-util-perl
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install libmath-prime-util-perl
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libmath-prime-util-perl
apt-get install libmath-prime-util-perl


utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring

Math::Prime::Util is a set of perl utilities related to prime numbers. These include multiple sieving methods, is_prime, prime_count, nth_prime, approximations and bounds for the prime_count and nth prime, next_prime and prev_prime, factoring utilities, and more. The default sieving and factoring are intended to be (and currently are) the fastest on CPAN, including Math::Prime::XS, Math::Prime::FastSieve, Math::Factor::XS, Math::Prime::TiedArray, Math::Big::Factors, Math::Factoring, and Math::Primality (when the GMP module is available). For numbers in the 10-20 digit range, it is often orders of magnitude faster. Typically it is faster than Math::Pari for 64-bit operations. All operations support both Perl UV's (32-bit or 64-bit) and bignums. It requires no external software for big number support, as there are Perl implementations included that solely use Math::BigInt and Math::BigFloat. However, performance will be improved for most big number functions by installing Math::Prime::Util::GMP, and is definitely recommended if you do many bignum operations. Also look into Math::Pari as an alternative.