
feed aggregator (RSS/Atom) which puts items on a IMAP mail server


All systems
curl cmd.cat/feed2imap-opmlimport.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install feed2imap
apt-get install feed2imap
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install feed2imap
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install feed2imap
apt-get install feed2imap


feed aggregator (RSS/Atom) which puts items on a IMAP mail server

Feed2Imap is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. After Downloading feeds (over HTTP or HTTPS), it uploads them to a specified folder of an IMAP mail server. The user can then access the feeds using a mail reader like Mutt, Evolution, Mozilla Thunderbird or even a webmail. The main advantage over rss2email is that feed2imap uploads emails itself to a specified folder. You don't have to play with procmail or your MUA's filtering rules to classify mails.