
interface module to dict.leo.org online dictionary


All systems
curl cmd.cat/leo.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install libwww-dict-leo-org-perl
apt-get install libwww-dict-leo-org-perl
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install libwww-dict-leo-org-perl
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libwww-dict-leo-org-perl
apt-get install libwww-dict-leo-org-perl


interface module to dict.leo.org online dictionary

WWW::Dict::Leo::Org is a module which connects to the website dict.leo.org and translates the given term. It returns an array of hashes. Each hash contains a left side and a right side of the result entry. The package also provides the `leo' commandline interface to the German/English/French dictionary on https://dict.leo.org/. It supports almost all features which the website supports. Results will be printed to the terminal. By default the search term will be highlighted. To get faster results, `leo' is able to cache queries.