A command-line JSON processor that uses a domain-specific language (DSL). More information: <https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/>.
- All systems
curl cmd.cat/jq.sh
- Debian
apt-get install jq
- Ubuntu
apt-get install jq
apk add jq
- Arch Linux
pacman -S jq
- Kali Linux
apt-get install jq
- Fedora
dnf install jq
- Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jq
- OS X
brew install jq
- Raspbian
apt-get install jq
- Dockerfile
- dockerfile.run/jq
- Docker
docker run cmd.cat/jq jq
powered by Commando
A command-line JSON processor that uses a domain-specific language (DSL). More information: <https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/>.
Execute a specific expression (print a colored and formatted JSON output):
cat path/to/file.json | jq '.'
Execute a specific script:
cat path/to/file.json | jq --from-file path/to/script.jq
Pass specific arguments:
cat path/to/file.json | jq --arg "name1" "value1" --arg "name2" "value2" ... '. + $ARGS.named'
Print specific keys:
cat path/to/file.json | jq '.key1, .key2, ...'
Print specific array items:
cat path/to/file.json | jq '.[index1], .[index2], ...'
Print all array items/object keys:
cat path/to/file.json | jq '.[]'
Add/remove specific keys:
cat path/to/file.json | jq '. +|- {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", ...}'
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