
command-line tools using the JPEG 2000 library


All systems
curl cmd.cat/opj_decompress.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install libopenjp2-tools
apt-get install libopenjp2-tools
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S openjpeg2
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install libopenjp2-tools
dnf install openjpeg2
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libopenjp2-tools
apt-get install libopenjp2-tools


command-line tools using the JPEG 2000 library

This package provides with command-line tools allowing for conversions between several formats and also provides tools for encoding and decoding motion-jpeg2000 video formats: - opj_decompress: decodes j2k, jp2, and jpt files to pgm, ppm, pnm, pgx, and bmp. - opj_compress: encodes pnm, pgm, pgx, bmp, and ppm files to j2k, and jp2. - opj_dump: dump information contains in j2k and jp2. - index_create: create jp2 with JPIP index file from a j2k file. - frames_to_mj2: convert YUV video streams to mj2 format. - mj2_to_frames: convert mj2 video streams to YUV format. - wrap_j2k_in_mj2: wrap j2k codestreams into mj2 format. - extract-j2k-from_mj2: extract j2k codestreams from the mj2 format.


The OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 library

developed in order to promote the use of JPEG 2000. This package contains * JPEG 2000 codec compliant with the Part 1 of the standard (Class-1 Profile-1 compliance). * JP2 (JPEG 2000 standard Part 2 - Handling of JP2 boxes and extended multiple component transforms for multispectral and hyperspectral imagery)