
Converter from structured plain text to other formats


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install stx2any
apt-get install stx2any
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install stx2any
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install stx2any
apt-get install stx2any


Converter from structured plain text to other formats

stx2any is a converter from structured text (Stx), which is plain text written in a standardised way, into other formats. Formats available currently include (X)HTML, man, raw text, DocBook XML, PostScript and LaTeX. Stx is a markup language in the tradition of plain text like markups, like wiki markup and ReST. For a comparison between different plain text markup languages, see stx2any's home page ( This package also has the following utilities: * strip_stx -- a literate programming tool * gather_stx_titles -- a script to automate cross-linking between documents * extract_usage_from_stx -- a script to produce "usage" messages from man pages written in stx * html2stx -- a utility to convert HTML into Stx.