
framework for Tango Control System CLI and GUI applications.


All systems
curl cmd.cat/taurusremotelogmonitor.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install python-taurus
apt-get install python-taurus
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-taurus
apt-get install python-taurus


framework for Tango Control System CLI and GUI applications.

TAURUS is a library for connecting client side applications (command-line interfaces and graphical user interfaces) to TANGO device servers, mainly developed by CELLS Alba Synchrotron Controls Section. TAURUS is built on top of PyTango which is a python binding for the Tango library. It provides an abstraction layer that allows TANGO to be accessed in a pythonic, object oriented way. For the GUI part, TAURUS is built on top of the graphical library PyQt which is a python binding for Qt. The goals of this library are: Provide a simple Tango API to the end-user application Speed up development of tango based applications Provide a standardized look-and-feel In many aspects, TAURUS follows the same approach as the TANGO Java Application Tool Kit: Tango ATK. If you know ATK, TAURUS will look familiar. The TAURUS library is divided into two parts: the core module which handles all interaction with PyTango and the Qt module which provides a collection of widgets that can be used inside any PyQt based GUI.