
Share X11 desktops with other users via X2Go


All systems
curl cmd.cat/x2godesktopsharing.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install x2godesktopsharing
apt-get install x2godesktopsharing
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install x2godesktopsharing
dnf install x2godesktopsharing
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install x2godesktopsharing


Share X11 desktops with other users via X2Go

X2Go is a server based computing environment with - session resuming - low bandwidth support - session brokerage support - client side mass storage mounting support - audio support - authentication by smartcard and USB stick X2Go Desktop Sharing is an X2Go add-on tool that allows a user to grant other X2Go users access to the current session (shadow session support). The current session may be an X2Go session itself or simply a local X11 session.