
(de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (GUI front-end)


All systems
curl cmd.cat/xhotswap.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install hotswap-gui
apt-get install hotswap-gui
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install hotswap-gui
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hotswap-gui
apt-get install hotswap-gui


(de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (GUI front-end)

Hotswap is a utility to register and deregister hotswappable IDE hardware. It is written to be used on Laptops with some sort of hardware bay to remove the module from the machine without rebooting it. eg. Dell Laptops. Note that this utility is not required to insert or remove batteries or floppy disk drives; only for IDE devices. This package includes the Motif front-end to the command line tool.